Electrical Gloves & Sleeves
Electrical gloves and sleeves for high voltage applications, direct contact with energized equipment, and added protection from electrical shock.
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Insulating Rubber Glove Kits
(22)Kits include Voltage Rated Gloves, Leather Glove Protectors and Canvas Glove Bag. Available in sizes 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Arc Flash Clothing
Burlington Safety Laboratory offers flame-resistant clothing to protect against arc flashes and blasts in high voltage applications. Our selection of arc flash clothing and kits includes hoods, hats, sweatshirts, jackets, bib overalls, coveralls, and arc proofing tape. With our highly insulated arc flash clothing, electricians, linemen, and electrical technicians are protected from burns and shocks that can occur during electrical cable repairs, electrical equipment maintenance, and other electrical work.
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Electrical Insulating Blankets
Electrical insulating blankets are available in a broad range of sizes and styles, depending on their intended application. These specialized blankets are designed to create a barrier between energized electrical components and workers and are often used to cover utility lines, substations, and switchboards.
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Electrical Head and Eye Protection
We provide a wide variety of arc flash hoods and face shields to protect workers’ eyes and faces from electrical current and arc flashes. We offer a broad range of designs and features to meet specialized needs and stringent regulatory requirements for use in high voltage applications. Arc flash hoods consist of a full head cover with a face shield, all composed of lightweight insulating material. For low to moderate risk applications, face shields may be stand-alone, or they may be incorporated into full hoods for complete protection in high-risk situations.
Electrical Rubber Boots
Dielectric boots protect workers in the vicinity of high voltage equipment and live current. Our 100% waterproof, ozone-resistant rubber dielectric boots are designed to prevent the risk of electric shock by insulating the worker’s feet from contact with the ground and moisture in the environment.
Hot Sticks
Burlington Safety Laboratory’s line of hot sticks help linemen work on live or high voltage equipment and conductors from a distance. Rather than coming directly in contact with the equipment, workers can isolate themselves while conducting repairs, maintenance, voltage measurements, and other procedures. Our hot sticks are composed of insulating materials and are available with a variety of lengths and tool attachments. They are ideal for use on live electrical equipment and other applications with a high risk for electric arcs, shock, or blasts.
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High Voltage Grounding Equipment for Linemen and Electricians
Electrical equipment must be grounded to ensure the safety of people and equipment in the surrounding area. Grounds are needed whenever workers perform tasks on non-current carrying electrical power systems that may become re-energized for some reason – equipment malfunction, stored current, accidental re-energization. They effectively ground any electrical current that may pass through power lines or a circuit being worked on, reducing the potential for shocks and arcs.
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Insulated Jumpers
Insulated jumpers help to ensure that electrical current is directed safely into the ground, away from personnel and potentially flammable objects in the area. Our extensive selection of insulated jumpers can be customized to meet the needs of particular electrical applications.
Utility Line Hose & Covers
Similar to blankets, insulating line hose and covers cover energized lines and connectors to protect workers from live current. By covering power lines in insulating materials, individuals can work nearby without dangerous incidental contact with exposed power lines. Burlington Safety Laboratory’s insulating line hose comes in a variety of diameters and lengths. Use them in conjunction with quality insulator covers to ensure full protection.
Professional Workwear & Protection
Burlington Safety Laboratory offers a comprehensive selection of professional workwear and protective gear designed for a wide range of industrial and construction environments. Our high-quality workwear includes durable shirts, pants, jackets, coveralls, and outerwear, built to withstand the toughest conditions while ensuring comfort and mobility. Designed with safety in mind, our workwear incorporates features that protect you from hazards and ensure you're seen on the job site. Ideal for tradespeople, construction workers, and industrial laborers, our professional workwear helps prevent injuries from physical hazards, sharp objects, and environmental conditions, ensuring a safe and productive workday.
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Please contact Stephanie Hoffman at 800-220-2120 or via email at shoffman@burlingtonsafety.com for more information or to place an order
Salisbury Rubber Insulating Gloves:
E418RB/12 Class 4, 18", size 12 $422.00
E218RB/12 Class 2, 18", size 12 $189.75
E216YB/10H Class 2, 16", size 10.5 $204.90
E214YB/09 Class 2, 14", size 9 $185.15
E218YB/08 Class 2, 18", size 8 $210.45
E118CB/11 Class 1, 18" contour cuff, size 11 $150.79
E116RB/10H Class 1, 16", size 10.5 $144.65
E116RB/08 Class 1, 16" size 8 $144.65
E014R/08 Class 0, 14", size 8 $75.44
White Rubber Co. Rubber Insulatng Gloves:
8-20-YB-BC8.5 $100.00
14-20-RB-BC11.5 $100.00
14-20-B-BC8.5 $100.00
14-0-YB-11.5 $$48.00
14-0-B-11.5 $54.87
11-00-y-8.5 $35.75
11-00-Y-9.5 $35.75
11-00-BL-9.5 $35.75
Novax Rubber Insulating Gloves:
150-1-14/12 Class 1, 14", size 12 $93.20
Salisbury Arc Flash Clothing:
ACB1130BL3XL 12cal arc flash bib overalls, 3XL $201.20
ACB4030GY3XL 40cal arc flash bib overalls, 3XL $311.52
ACB830BLM 8cal arc flash bib overalls, M $195.40
ACC1132BLL 12cal arc flash coat, L $152.10
ACC1132BLXL 12cal arc flash coat, XL $152.10
ACC1132BL2XL 12cal arc flash coat, 2XL $166.95
ACCA8BLS 8cal arc flash coveralls, S $204.30
ACC4050GYXL 40cal arc flash coat, XL $238.88
ACC4032GYL 40cal arc flash coat, L $324.45
Misc. Arc Flash Gear:
ASCP replacement chin cup $8.10
AS1200 12cal hard hat $108.15
AS1200PPC-NZ 12cal faceshield $117.30
LAN2ST-BIB-XL arc flash bib overalls, XL $252.00
AFG11 12cal arc flash gloves $56.90
AFG20 20cal arc flash gloves $58.85
ARCS2K150 10cal arc shield hard hat kit $78.50
IM23-ARC-PC-10 10cal arc shield lens $58.30
AS12FS-SPL 12cal faceshield $96.00
AG4035C-Large 40cal jacket $257.22
21ARC12AF-C500 12cal faceshield/hard hat $88.15
FH40GY-C-SPL 40cal arc flash hood $748.00
AG40 40cal arc flash leggings, L and XL $300.00
AG40B 40cal arc flash bib overalls, L and XL $300.00
AGW40KA-JB2XL 40cal arc flash kit, XL $880.00
Kunz Glove Co. Leather Protectors:
999 10" leather protectors. Sizes 9, 10 and 11 $20.00
1005-2 11" leather protectors, 9 $25.00
1005-7 16" leather protectors, 9 $25.00
1050 12" leather protectors, 9.5 $25.00
1050 14" leather protectors, 9 $25.00
9135 13" leahter protectors, 10 $25.00
Steel Grip Arc Flash Clothing:
NBU9 9800 12cal coveralls, 44"/46"/48"/50"/52"/54" $125.00
NBU9 9800 12cal overalls, 56" $135.00
NBU7 9300 8cal coveralls, 48"/50" $119.25
NBU 9460 12cal pants, 32x34 $70.11
ZBSL AG40C-50 coat $300.00
ZBSL AG40C-35 coat $300.00
National Safety Apparel Arc Flash & FR Clothing:
C88UPMD30 12cal coveralls, M, L and XL $153.20
TSPUP overpants, L and XL
C21IF02XLG 28cal crewneck sweatshirt, XL $100.00
C21IF05XLG 28cal zip up hoodie, XL $100.00
Salisbury Grounding:
2319 assembled ground. 10' 2/0 cable with smooth jaw aluminum c-clamps $467.60
2912 15kV grounding elbow with 2/0 cable connector $183.20
PIP Work Gloves:
68-163 11” Regular Grade Top Grain Cowhide Leather Drivers Glove. Sizes M-XXL are available. $10.00